What Are the 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous NA?

narcotics anonymous vs alcoholic anonymous

In contrast, NA provides a broader scope, catering to individuals facing addiction to any narcotic substances, including but not limited to opioids, stimulants, and prescription drugs. This inclusivity acknowledges the diverse nature of drug addiction, understanding that the journey to recovery may involve a variety of substances with different effects on the mind and body. NA’s philosophy embraces all individuals seeking to overcome the cycle of drug addiction, making it a more encompassing program for those with multi-substance dependencies. AA meetings are held worldwide and are open to anyone who has a desire to stop drinking. Members share their personal experiences with alcohol addiction and recovery, creating a supportive environment where individuals can find strength and encouragement. Many individuals turn to structured support systems to navigate the path to recovery.

Like other 12-step programs, Narcotics Anonymous also operates on a set of Twelve guidelines called the Twelve Traditions of NA. The goal of the twelve traditions is to help members build healthier relationships and live drug-free lives. Sponsorship, community, honesty and altruism are the main focus of most Anonymous meetings. The idea is that one person can help another, and everyone needed help at one time. Often, there are meetings of specific fellowships that are men’s only, or women’s only, or LGBTQ only, but never are they meant to exclude anyone.

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So this has put the theoretical basis of the 12-step model into question. We now know a range of risk factors contribute to the development of alcohol and other drug problems. Genetics only accounts for about 50% of the risk of developing an alcohol disorder. And although people who have alcohol or other drug problems do sometimes have significant cognitive deficits they generally occur after alcohol and other drug use begins, and they are usually temporary. The 12-step movement took a step beyond the moral view and introduced the idea alcohol and other drug problems were a health issue by framing the problem as a disease. The model has remained largely unchanged since then, despite significant advances in our understanding of the brain and of alcohol and other drug problems and their treatment.

The Twelve Steps

Clients stated that their top two reasons for attending AA and NA were to (1) promote recovery/sobriety and to (2) find support, acceptance, and friendship. A series of analyses identified which specific elements of 12-Step involvement were responsible for positive outcomes and whether these elements varied by gender. Women were significantly more likely than men to sustain abstinence over 3 years although genders did not differ significantly at baseline. For men only, being a sponsor was predictive of sustained abstinence over 3 years.

  1. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) primarily focuses on legal substances, specifically alcohol.
  2. Many NA members believe regular meeting attendance is a helpful tool for staying drug-free.
  3. If you are considering undertaking the 12 steps of NA, you’re not alone.
  4. And because the 12-step fellowship is by definition anonymous, some members don’t want to participate in studies that might breach the anonymity of the group.
  5. It’s important to understand that the meetings aren’t meant to be group therapy sessions.
  6. In addition to some differences in philosophy, both AA and NA each have their own literature.

Alanon and Naranon are subsidies of both AA and NA and offer support to those who are affected but are not themselves afflicted.Remember, it is important to do your own research as well as remain open-minded. Often, a person doesn’t choose a fellowship until they have tried both AA and NA for themselves. Both fellowships histories and practices are different but the message is universal; we can recover. Those with multiple addictions should simply choose the 12-step meeting they’re most comfortable with.

narcotics anonymous vs alcoholic anonymous

AA Effectiveness—Evaluating the Evidence

Our medical staff includes an ASAM certified addiction psychiatrist & an addiction-trained primary care physician. We understand the challenges of this stage of life, and our program is specifically built to serve the mid-life adult in a meaningful and individualized way. At Silver Ridge clients are first and foremost treated with respect, kindness, and compassion.

The creation of NA represented a significant development na vs aa in how society approaches drug addiction, marking a progressive step towards inclusive recovery support for all types of substance dependencies. 12-step programs are designed to help people who are addicted to substances like alcohol and drugs. If you or a loved one have a substance abuse problem and want to get help, you should go to an AA, NA, or CA meeting near you. If you’re already undergoing treatment, talk to your healthcare provider about whether a 12-step program can be beneficial to you. Embarking on a path to sobriety is a courageous step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. Remember, the journey to recovery is ongoing, but with the right tools and support, lasting sobriety is within reach.


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